Thank-You Volunteers
Do you volunteer? There are both intrinsic and extrinsic benefits to volunteering. The intrinsic include a feeling of connection with a...

Community Events
At this time of year there are communities everywhere celebrating with Christmas Carols, The full video can be found here (but only watch...
Regional Australia
Have you ever thought about the talent that comes from Regional Australia? The number of internationally successful sportspeople, CEO’s...

How to build great communities
It seems that, the powers that be, are always after a ‘silver bullet’ or grand gesture that will build a community. There is no such...

Dusting off some old skills
It always amazes me the skills you pick up over the years. I can remember an Art Class at school where we learnt screen printing and then...
Common Sense Tourism
I heard some truly amazing tourism figures today at Toowoomba Regional Council's Tourism Advisory Committee. If 1/2 the people in...

Why consider leaving a secure job and embark on a Council Election? Well, the simple answer is I CAN DO MORE. Toowoomba is on the verge...